Welcome aboard!
So, where do we start. The goal is "adults having fun". All are welcome until they prove themselves unwelcome.
The guild boasts over 900 members currently. Roughly 600+ have been online within the last week. Between 25 and 65 are online at any given time.
Here are the basic rules:
- Don't be a dick. (Yes, I know, this is not specific. But that's partly because the members of the guild get to decide what this means.)
- No racism, no sexism, no shitty or shameful behavior.
- Maintain "some" maturity in Guild chat. jokes and banter are allowed within reason. (If someone else says "That's inappropriate" please respect that.)
- Maintain "much more" maturity in General chat, Global chat, or when grouped with other players. (FYI, about the only thing that will get you immediately kicked from the guild is spouting racist or sexist crap in Global chat. Consider this your one warning.)
- Address issues with other players privately through officers. (Discord is terrific for this.)
- Screenshot, screenshot, screenshot. If the officers do not have images or logs it's almost impossible to figure out what was going on.
- Please don’t take things from the guild bank to resell.
- Second chances granted on a case-by-case basis.
Other notable things:
- Discord is required for guild raiding. (You don't have to talk, but you need to be able to listen.)
- Raiding specific rules, and the addons need to raid can be found here: Raiding Rules (Discord)
- Any number of alts are allowed. Please tag them in the public guild notes so we know who you are. (Social Menu (O), "Guild" tab, Click yourself, "Note:")
- You get a guild repair budget. (Varies depending on rank)
- Feel free to take what you need from the guild bank.
- Tab 6 should be used for donations
- Everyone can invite more people. So bring your friends. (Use "/ginvite NAME" to add someone to the guild)
- All classes/specs/levels are welcome. We have space for everyone.
- The guild is run as democratically as we are capable of. If you don't like how something is managed, say something. 😊
Discord: https://discord.gg/8cT5xFnm4v
(If you live in Turkey here is a site showing how to get on Discord: https://www.comparitech.com/blog/vpn-privacy/how-to-unblock-discord-in-turkey/)
My list of funny recruiting messages: Recruiting Spam
- v3.3.5 working addons
- What donations the Guild needs
- Squish Planning
- Our list of Glyphs that we have in stock
(This site is a work in progress)