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This is a list of addons known to work with WotLK 3.3.5

Warmane AH Fix - A fix for the auction house functionality on Warmane.
Large Address Aware Fix - This is actually an .EXE patch for the WoW.exe file. Since the game is old it does not work well with large amounts of memory. This will fix a lot of lag issues with the game. (Details about this memory issue can be found here)
WgClock - Reminds you when WG is coming up with a simple text reminder message 30/15/10/5/3/1 minutes before WG starts.
GearScoreLite - Shows a basic number for people's gear level.
DBM (Deadly Boss Mods) - Information about boss battles. Such as when a bosses power is coming up, and when to do things accordingly.
BigWigs - DBM replacement if DBM doesn;t work for you.
GTFO - Tells you when to Get The Fuck Out of the bad stuff you are unfortunately standing in.
TomTom - Waypoint guidance arrow.
RankWatch - Tells you, and others, when they are using a downranked version of a spell.
ATSW - (Advanced Trade Skill Window) - Replaces the normal tradeskill window with a more functional one.
Swatter - Addon for catching errors in other addons.
Sexymap - Customizable eplacement for the in-game minimap to make it look better.
Postal - Addon for dealing with your mailbox.
Questhelper - Quest tracker.
Questie - Quest tracker (Better precise targets on the map than Quest Helper. You can run both.).
Recount - DPS Meter.
Skada - Another DPS meter.
TinyDPS - Yet another DPS meter.
Pally Power - Helps multiple paladins coordinate their buffs.
EveryQuest - Lists all the known quests by area, and allows you to see which you have completed.
Bartender - Clean UI replacement.
Auctioneer - Auction House replacement.
Auctionator - Another auctuion house addon.
Roll Tracker - Tracks /roll in a raid so you know who won. (This version edited so it's not displayed by default)
Super Duper Macro - Allows running LUA code in-game and other macro/script functions.
MageNuggets - quality-of-life addon for mages and other casters.
IgnoreMore - Allows for a longer Ignore list.
Omen - Threat Meter.
Rage Display - Shows you how far away a target is from you.
ArkInventory - Inventory and bag management. Very customizable and allows for bag sorting.
ChatFilter - Filters chat based on a list of words you can customize.
Chatter - Chat replacement addon. Makes links functional among other things.
Healbot - Makes healing easier.
XP Hud - heads-up-display for leveling.
WIM - (WoW Instant Messenger) Opens direct messages and replies in their own little windows. Also logs chat history.
Pet Leash - Automatically summons "pets" for you.
Decursive - Small HUD for removing curses or other cures (Mainly good for non-healers to see when people are cursed).
DePolymorph - Autromatically removes "playful" polymorphs like Manabonk.
Large Macro Icon Selection - Makes the window to select macro icons MUCH bigger.
Sapped - When you get sapped in PvP it says so in /p and /s.
Trade Skill Master - Helps make money from trade skills.
Addon Control Panel - Allows for easier in-game management of your addons.
Preform AV Enabler - Allows making a preformed Battleground group.
Spy - Shows you what enemeies are in the area. Also tracks "Kill on Sight" targets.
Jamba - (Just Another Multiboxer Addon) - Management functions for multiboxers, and others.

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