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This is our growing list of silly recruiting messages. Use them at your leisure.

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<The Flat Azeroth society> is glad we had this chance to talk to you. You see we have been trying to reach you about your Wind Rider's extended warranty...

The <Flat Azeroth Society> is looking to recruit 6k+ GS mages and warlocks to make portals and do summons. Because we don't want any of those low quality portals and summons!

<The Flat Azeroth Society> is looking for Molten Core raiders! 8.5k+ GS, must have [What A Long, Strange Trip It's Been], only looking for undead druids and belf shamans. Thanks!

Looking for a more active guild? <The Flat Azeroth Society> has over 900 members (600+ have been online within the last week) and we have between 25 and 65 people online at any given time. Come get your social game on with us."

The bloody <The Flat Azeroth Society> is lookin' fawr a few good as gold players ta join us. We av multiple raidin' slots open fawr 'stralians. Fahkin' too right, mate.

<The Flat Azeroth Society> is now selling portals from Dalaran to Orgrimmar, Undercity, Thunder Bluff, Silvermoon, Shattrath, and even Tanaris! Helping you with all your travel needs! (Stonard coming soon!)

If you ever chose to keep or level a character just because of where it was located in the login character list you might just belong in <The Flat Azeroth Society>.

Do you think that being a good person makes you much more of a badass than the number of raids you have won or how many players you have killed? Then <The Flat Azeroth Society> would love to have you.

Looking to raid where others do all the setup and recruiting work while you show up, push buttons, and stay out of the fire? Well, that's not us. But if you want to help the group with raiding <The Flat Azeroth Society> would be happy to have you.

<The Flat Azeroth Society> is working on it's brand new raiding teams. Needing NA and EU raiders. If you are looking to help others and yourself with endgame please consider joining our strange brand of humor. Thanks!

Have you bought fast flying and only an hour later noticed you forgot to buy a fast mount? Have you ever wondered why your DPS was terrible only to realize you were fighting with your fishing pole? Then you belong in <The Flat Azeroth Society>!

If you ever wondered how we can skin most scorpions but almost no spiders yet they are both arachnids you might just belong in <The Flat Azeroth Society>.

If you have ever wondered why all the Forsaken are undead humans you might just belong in <The Flat Azeroth Society>!

Do you enjoy being part of the long mounted conga lines walking around Dalaran? You might enjoy <The Flat Azeroth Society>.

Looking for a normal guild? Well keep looking, cuz <The Flat Azeroth Society> is a bunch of weirdos!

Are you crazy enough to play this game alongside your significant other? Then the <Flat Azeroth Society> is the place for both of you.

Are you here to relive the times in WoW when you enjoyed the game? Back when you played alongside cool friends? Back when you were young and life felt fun? Oh wait, that's why i'm here... Well, join <The Flat Azeroth Society> anyway.

<The Flat Azeroth Society>, We PvP sometimes, we kinda Raid, we run Heroics sometimes, mainly we just run around in ugly tabards and act silly.

Old Guild! <The Flat Azeroth Society> is a PvE guild that does Battlegrounds 24/7. We are a Spanish guild looking for Swedish members who speak Chinese with a Russian accent. Ventrilo is a must! No guild tabard, as it doesn't match my hairstyle. Thanks!

Have you ever been working on a daily quest for 20 minutes, only to realize you were still in the Wintergrasp Raid group? If so you just might fit in with <The Flat Azeroth Society>.

Are you just starting out? Feeling pressured to not die? Got tiny bags overflowing with junk? Well, if you can mash buttons and engage in reasonable conversation then <The Flat Azeroth Society> will accept you.

Looking for the best PvP guild? With the best fighters, ready and willing to teach you how to beat the Alliance? Well, we're not that guild, but if you want a group of laid back folks to chat with <The Flat Azeroth Society> might be for you.

When you leave an alliance NPC and they say “Safe Travels...”, do you immediately think, “...land strider”? If so you might belong in <The Flat Azeroth Society>.

<The Flat Azeroth Society> can offer you... uhm... well... we have a tabard! And... uh... people that talk sometimes! Plus we... uh... hrrm... We have a guild bank full of newbie stuff! :D

My girlfriend said that if I didn't leave <The Flat Azeroth Society> she would leave me. Well, at least I'm not getting interrupted when I play anymore.

I try to recruit for <The Flat Azeroth Society> with innuendo laden messages. But it's hard.

Men, <The Flat Azeroth Society> has had a massive influx of beach-tanned smoking hot ladies for you to meet, and they all want to know you! Come join for super good times!

Ladies, <The Flat Azeroth Society> has an influx of highly trained dentists (who are just totally jacked) and need companionship! Come join us for super good times!

Love Drama? Do you like being screamed at by 16yos for being 2mins late to a raid? Prefer to do your fighting on the keyboard instead of against the Alliance? Then <The Flat Azeroth Society> IS NOT the guild for you!

Can you mash glowing buttons repeatedly? <The Flat Azeroth Society> will accept you.

Here at <The Flat Azeroth Society> we have the finest Pandaren beer, cigars imported from Draenor, and spices from Argus that will blow your mind better than a Goblin rocket! Join us and make the best worst decisions in the game!

<The Flat Azeroth Society> is recruiting. We're a guild that does things and sometimes does other stuff. You can join us or not; I'm not your boss.

Looking for the best PvE guild? with the most competent raiders ready and willing to teach you their tricks? Well, we're not that guild, but if you want a group of laid back folks to chat with <The Flat Azeroth Society> might be for you.

Do you have more hate for yourself than for the Alliance? Do you enjoy complaining at everyone else in Wintergrasp? Then <The Flat Azeroth Society> IS NOT the guild for you!

Do you enjoy ganking alliance newbies? Is your day filled with trying to find new ways to make your opponent cry? Do you find joy in trolling people? Then <The Flat Azeroth Society> IS NOT the guild for you! (Go join <A S> instead)

Have you ever played Wintergrasp so stoned or drunk that you forgot you were defending and tried to break down the walls of your own fort? If so <The Flat Azeroth Society> might be the place for you!

Are you looking for friends that will laugh at the ragers in Wintergrasp with you? Look no further than <The Flat Azeroth Society>!

Are you the type of person that enjoys doing the professions and filling the guild bank up with crafted things nobody ever uses? Do you have several accounts just to mule all your extra junk? <The Flat Azeroth Society> might be the guild for you!

Looking for a less serious guild without drama? Looking for folks to talk to so you're not playing alone? Looking for people that won't judge you because you suck at PvP? <The Flat Azeroth Society> might be for you!

Do you agree that Goblins are just Orcs that were never vaccinated? Do you read the flavor text on quest items? Do you stop to read the books in dungeons? Do you care about achievements? If so you might fit in with <The Flat Azeroth Society>!

Are you tired of listening to all the crap on the Global or Trade channels? Looking for a better source of conversation? Looking for helpful people? <The Flat Azeroth Society> might just be the guild for you!

Do you go through zones wondering why the designers gave no thought to structural engineering? Perhaps you noticed how the lids to the guild bank vaults in Orgrimmar don't fit the bases? Then <The Flat Azeroth Society> might be for you!

Do you take part in the Argent Tournament because you actually think it's fun? Did it take you 90+ days of /played time to have your first lvl 80? Do you think leveling is more fun than raiding? Then <The Flat Azeroth Society> is for you!

Trying to decide if [City of Light] or [The Caverns of Time] is the worst quest in the game? Do you do [The Green Hills of Stranglethorn] because it's fun? Then you might belong in <The Flat Azeroth Society>!

When you were new did you get on the wrong blimp only to find yourself in Northrend? Do you /love all the critters you meet? Did you level cooking just to have Critter Bites? Then <The Flat Azeroth Society> has a place for you!

If you find yourself dealing with the soul-crushing depression of playing hundreds of arena battles and never winning you might belong in <The Flat Azeroth Society>!

If you're the kind of person that waves at an Alliance member peacefully fishing in Orgrimmar and leaves them alone then you probably belong in <The Flat Azeroth Society>!

Have you ever wondered how we have steam-powered robots and yet still beat each other up with swords? Then <The Flat Azeroth Society> might be for you!

Have you been fishing for Old Crafty for years? And the idea of trying to catch Old Ironjaw makes you weak in the knees? Then <The Flat Azeroth Society> is the place for you!

Do you wish Murlocs were tameable? Do you think it's wrong that Worgen can't be skinned? Do you want a “/punt” emote for gnomes? Then <The Flat Azeroth Society> might be for you!

If you ever find yourself wondering how people got wagons into Dalaran when it has no city gates you might belong in <The Flat Azeroth Society>!

Ever pondered how it's unfair we can talk to Alliance NPCs but not PCs? Then <The Flat Azeroth Society> might just be for you!

If you ever asked for a burger in Thunder Bluff you might just belong in <The Flat Azeroth Society>!

Do you hope to raid someday but it's not your first priority? Or perhaps you are afraid to raid because you just know you're going to stand in the fire and get laughed at? Come join <The Flat Azeroth Society> today!

Are you still working on [The Loremaster] achievement? Perhaps you're doing [Insane in the membrane]? If so you might belong in <The Flat Azeroth Society>!

Have you ever been banned from a video game for being “too old”? Do you miss the “good old days” of retail when you got your first mount at level 40 and your first flying mount at 70? If so you should join <The Flat Azeroth Society>.

Do you remember the days of mobbed servers when 50 people were trying to get the same quest kill with both fondness and revulsion? Then you might belong in <The Flat Azeroth Society>.

Why is <The Flat Azeroth Society> so unique and chill? Well, it was founded by an engineer that retired super early and PvE multiboxes over starlink while living in a van in the middle of the forest. (No, seriously).