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For those unaware "The Squish" as it's commonly known is when Warmane "halves" all the gold/silver/copper on the server. To keep the economy stable. (Otherwise you would be paying 60,000g for that Primo rather than 600g.) This means ALL the cash. In your inventory, in the GB, in the mail, offered on the Website for coins, everything.

The squish data for 2025 has not been announced yet (Usually it is announced in early February. And once that announcement happens the economy REALLY spirals until the squish is over.) (2024 announcement for those unaware of how this all works. --> https://forum.warmane.com/showthread.php?t=464557 )

(In 2019, 2020, and 2021 the squish was Feb 17th, in 2022 it was March 7th, in 2023 it was on Feb 20th, in 2024 it was on Feb 27th.)

My plan is to have less than a few thousand gold on hand. (Yes, you might scoff at this, but for me it's harder than you think.) The day before the squish I will empty the guild bank of gold, buy what I can, then refill it from my dailies after the squish. So we might have no cash for repairs for 24 hours.

What do I invest in? Just about anything easy to use or sell is good. Since I buy and store things to use that's the point of view I come from, not buying things to resell later. Primos, Eternals, Frozen orbs, Uncut epic gems. Also crafting things are good, like Damaged Necklaces, Titanium Ore, Frost Lotus, Book of Glyph Mastery, etc. Think, "Am I going to want this eventually?" and if the answer is a resounding "yes" then it's good. The closer we get to squish the more expensive these items are going to get, so buy early.

The BEST items are those that have a clear set value. Such as those things sold to make the motorcycle. But she won't sell to you unless you have maxed engineering. (https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/npc=31247/roxi-ramrocket) Or to buy cold weather flying books for your alts, even if they cannot use them yet. I

also start stockpiling loot I would otherwise vend to instead sell immediately after the squish. Make an alt (Mine are called LasCrapOne, LasCrapTwo, etc.) and mail it all the BoE stuff you would otherwise vend. Also fill up your bank with the soulbound stuff you greeded from those dungeons. Another good option is to sell your gold on the website for coins. These hold value quite well. 

I'll add more things here as I think of them. Thanks.

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